What’s In a Name?

Pastor Ryan Clark   -  

What does your name mean? Does it fit you? Why did your parents give you that name? Did you know that God has many names in the Bible? Each one of those names He has for a reason. Each Bible reference is intentional. Each name highlights a specific aspect of who He is and what He does. On the weekend of September 10-11, we are going to be starting a new sermon series entitled, “A Name for Every Need”. We are going to look at each of God’s Biblical names and ask ourselves the question, “What does God want us to understand about Him and His faithfulness to us through this name?” We hope you’ll join us each week and get the word out to others. I think all of our faith is going to grow by leaps and bounds as we study this important topic!

God bless you,
Pastor Clark

To find out about EVERYTHING that’s getting started in September: Sunday School, LIFE Groups, Confirmation, and so much more, download the September Church Bell Newsletter below!