Junior High

Jr. High Youth Group

Throughout the school year, Jr. High Youth Group for 6th – 8th graders meets one to two Sundays per month from 5:00 – 6:30 pm for a time of devotions, games, snacks and lots of fun with friends! Plan to bring friends along!

Upcoming Events

Jr. High Youth Groups 5-6:30 pm
January 14th-Jr. High Youth Group
January 28th-River City Extreme 5-7 pm
February 18th-Buffalo Youth Together WINTERPALOOZA 2-4 pm
March 17th-Jr. High Youth Group
April 14th-Jr. High Youth Group!
April 28th-Last Jr. High Youth Group!
May 5th-Buffalo Youth Together SPRINGPALOOZA 4-6 pm
August 12th-14th Camp Omega Servant Event!

Camp Omega Servant Event

This year our Jr. High (incoming 2024-2025 6th-8th grade) youth are invited to go on a special trip to Camp Omega for fun camp activities, Bible study, and service projects around camp. This trip is meant to introduce youth to the idea of a mission trip and going somewhere to use our time and talents to serve God and our neighbors!

Cost of the trip to student/family is $100. Registration fee is due July 28th. You can pay with debit or credit through this form, choose $0 to drop off cash or check (please write Jr. High Camp Omega on memo line) at church.

We plan to leave by 7 am Monday, August 12th and aim to be back around 3:30 pm on Wednesday, August 14th.

Please reach out to Paul Nelson (402.910.6530) with any questions.

Welcome to St. John's Lutheran Church! We would love to hear from you. Submit a message and someone will get back to you shortly. God's blessings.
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